Saturday, February 23, 2019


Things to Know:

Special Week Share:  Campbell Taylor Monday, February 25th
Carpool Helpers: No Carpool Helpers this week.
Class Ambassadors: Ada Mathews and Lillie Mayer
Fourth Grade Rehearsal Practice for Mary Poppins Musical
Musical for Fourth Grade Parents Wednesday, 4-3 9:45 a.m. Lower School Assembly Room
MayPole Dance Information can be found on Everything Else on the Fourthie Website. Password daisy2027
How To Videos for Parents
Final Assembly Attire

Each girl has chosen a Country for the Immigration Day Project and is in the midst of choosing first
and last names which link them to their homeland. There is much excitement and they will begin
researching their countries this coming week.

Students are learning about and busy creating orignal Haiku poetry for Spring! Stay tuned for some beautiful words created by your favorite poets in 4-C. They will be using the traditional
5-7-5 syllable structure. The girls have learned a little Japanese history about this type of poetry, which is subtle and provides a vibrant word picture through words.

Linking and helping verbs are used often in writing and speaking. Students will be writing a brief message on the importance of kindness. They will be incorporating their knowledge and use of these verbs in their written messages, which will be placed around campus, once the rain is over.

In Singapore Maths we have explored much about fractions and whole numbers. The next unit of study is on measurement. We will be measuring liquids and creating mindfulness jars filled with water and glitter. The month of March will have lots of "sparkle"!

And speaking of sparkle, 4-C students have received 25 more compliments and have voted to go to Zazzoli's candy
shop and watch a short movie!
We plan on going before Spring Break. More information will be emailed to you about this event.

Monday, February 18, 2019


Step in Time

Things to Know:

Special Week Share:  Campbell Taylor Monday, February 25th
Class Ambassadors: Clare Coleman and Cora Coulbourn
Fourth Grade Rehearsal Practice for Mary Poppins Musical
Musical for Fourth Grade Parents Wednesday, 4-3 9:45 a.m. Lower School Assembly Room
MayPole Dance Information can be found on Everything Else on the Fourthie Website. Password daisy2027
How To Videos for Parents
Final Assembly Attire


The girls will begin multiplying fractions this week! They are becoming more familiar and are excited to show their expertise in adding and subtracting mixed numbers. They will have a quiz this Thursday on addition and subtraction of mixed numbers.

Language Arts
The Fourthies have completed their Friendship Machine Writing Lab and have produced some fabulous looking machine designs, explaining how they are designed and created to enhance kindness and friendship. You can find these on the bulletin board outside of our classroom.

Immigration Project
We will begin our Immigration Project by having the girls choose a country. This is the country that they will be "immigrating from" to come to America. Students will write about their adventurous journey from their homeland to the United States. Please take time to have a conversation with your daughter about which country she will choose.  The product will be a fictional journal about "Coming to America." We will have a living history, Immigration Day in the classroom on Friday, May 3rd, when the girls will dress up, bring a snack in a basket, and join Captain Cavallo aboard the virtual ship,"Saints Spirit" and go through Ellis Island Immigration to become U.S. citizens.

Saturday, February 9, 2019


Warming Up and Cooling Off

4-C Class Schedule: Click on to enlarge
Things to Know:

Special Week Share:  Victoria Carter Monday, February 11th
Carpool Helpers: Campbell Taylor
Class Ambassadors: Clare Coleman and Cora Coulbourn
Fourth Grade Rehearsal Practice for Mary Poppins Musical
Musical for Fourth Grade Parents Wednesday, April 3rd at 9:45 a.m.  Lower School Assembly Room
Thursday, February 14th:Valentine's Day Party
MayPole Dance Information can be found on Everything Else on the Fourthie Website. Password daisy2027
Frances Hodgkins
How To Videos for Parents

Growing Up Healthy
This Monday the Fourthies will begin attending "Growing Up Healthy" with Nurse Blanton.You can find more information  here. These classes will meet for the next few weeks during Science.

Students have completed their Unit 3 Fraction Test and Ed Puzzle Word Problems "Dots." We have  completed the review and assessments have been placed in student work envelopes which will be sent home along with other graded work on Monday. The girls did particularly well, but still need reminders to put answers in simplest form. We continue to work on the four operations of fractions and are spending time subtracting mixed numbers this coming week.

Writing Lab # 12
The girls are completing their Writing Lab on Friendship. They are in the process of sketching and making adjustments to their sketches. They will be completing their essays this week.

We took a look at Rube Goldberg Machines and found two awesome machines that the girls would like to share with you. We hope you will enjoy them as much as the girls and I did.

Rube Goldberg Machine to share a Coke
Forest Xylophone

Wordly Wise Dress Up Day
We will be having a Wordly Wise Dress Up Day on Valentine's Day! Get Creative!!! The girls may choose a word from Wordly Wise Lists 1-11.

Valentine Boxes and Valentine Cards
Students should create a Valentine Box using a cereal or shoe box, at home, to hold their Valentines. They can bring them in with Valentines for their classmates and friends any time this coming week on or before Thursday. Valentines will be "mailed" first thing in the morning on Valentine's Day. 

We will celebrate in class with a treat and opening of Valentines on the afternoon of the 14th.