Monday, March 25, 2019


Rolling Along!

Things to Know:
Special Week Share: 3-25 Betsy Spalding
Carpool Helpers: Substitute for Meredith Ford and Cora CoulbournClass 
Ambassadors: Madeline Taliaferro and Campbell Taylor
Fourth Grade Rehearsal Practice for Mary Poppins Musical
Musical for Fourth Grade Parents Wednesday, 4-3 9:45 a.m. Lower School Assembly Room
Maypole information: Password daisy2027
How To Videos for Parents
Final Assembly Attire
Grandparents and Special Friends Day Information


The girls have been comparing and contrasting characters from past novels and have noted major similarities and differences between characters. They have also been making inferences and contemplating the behaviors of specific characters and making outcome predictions as well. In Scraps of Time 1928 A Song for Harlem, the author writes about actual famous black Americans, including A'lelia Walker, business woman, patron of the arts, and Zora Neale Hurston, an influential author of American literature and anthropologist. We are always looking for role models and during this March, which is Women's History Month, the girls will be choosing a "Shero" to study.


The class has been exploring in their math journals and have begun to see the link between percentages, fractions, and decimals. They are practicing converting fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions. They have been exploring decimals using a numberline to determine smaller and greater decimals. We will continue to work on percentages and will practice monetary decimals as well.

Language Arts:

Our Language Arts Writing Lab will revolve around Women's History Month. Students will choose a "Shero" and share her significance and "Super Power" on a google slide and will be shared when it is complete. They will be creating super heroes to put up in the classroom and we will discuss many of the character traits that these women exemplify.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Jumping into Spring

Things to Know:
Special Week Share: 3-25 Betsy Spalding
Carpool Helpers: Madeline Taliaferro and Ada Mathews
Class Ambassadors: Natalie Richards and Betsy Spalding
Fourth Grade Rehearsal Practice for Mary Poppins Musical
Musical for Fourth Grade Parents Wednesday, 4-3 9:45 a.m. Lower School Assembly Room
MayPole Dance Information can be found on Everything Else on the Fourthie Website. Password daisy2027
How To Videos for Parents
Final Assembly Attire
Grandparents and Special Friends Day Information

Literature: The girls have completed their novel study on Lily's Crossing by Patricia Giff. They now have a greater view of life in the midst World War II. They are creating hashtags for each chapter and will be sharing them with each other in class when they are completed. We will begin a new novel study on Scraps of Time, A Song for Harlem, by Patricia C. McKissack. This is a story of twelve year old Lilly Belle, who is chosen to participate in a seminar for young black writers. She will spend six weeks in Harlem with her Aunt Odessa and will be studying with 17 other students under the author Zora Hurston in the summer of 1928.

Mathematics: We will continue working on measurement and incorporate adding, subtracting and rounding decimals when we return from Spring Break. Students will be enjoying liquid measurement outside as soon as the weather begins to warm.

Language Arts: Haiku Spring Poems and Tanka Response Poems have been completed. The girls have been enjoying the study of Japanese and Chinese brush watercolor paintings and have created brush watercolor bamboo to complement their poetry. We will be hanging these on the bulletin board outside of the classroom along with their Haiku and Tanka poems. Take a look at this quick and easy explanation of Chinese Brush Painting.            Watercolor Bamboo Painting Tutorial

Compliment Party: We had a wonderful adventure on Wednesday, going to Zazoli Sweets. The girls "stepped in time"  for their Compliment Party so that we could walk there, choose some delicious treats, and walk back at a quick pace in order to join Mrs. Marshalek for P.E. A great time was had by all. It was a wonderful little neighborhood adventure.

History 4 Fourthies: Students are completing the first pages of their Country Research Reports. They are using the Lib Guide, which they
can navigate to from the Fourthie Site, "Everything Else". There the girls can find on line Encyclopedias and special information pages for their Countries. It is incredibly easy to navigate and has outstanding amounts of information.

Have a Wonderful Spring Break!

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Winter into Spring
Things to Know:
Special Week ShareMaisie Nelson
Carpool Helpers: No Carpool Helpers this Week
Class Ambassadors: Madison Rector and Maisie Nelson
Fourth Grade Rehearsal Practice for Mary Poppins Musical
Musical for Fourth Grade Parents Wednesday, 4-3 9:45 a.m. Lower School Assembly Room
MayPole Dance Information can be found on Everything Else on the Fourthie Website. Password daisy2027
How To Videos for Parents
Final Assembly Attire

The girls are learning their fractions and are particpating in fun and  fabulous Edpuzzles which are created specifically for our fourth grade math units. Here is a sample of one of the Edpuzzles the girls enjoyed:    Embarked
They enjoyed collaborating on this and many other activities in Singapore Math.

Since this week will be filled with completing book report projects and Innovations with Big Sisters on Friday, there will be light homework through Wednesday. Students will be creating hats with their Big Sisters on Friday.  The girls may want to bring items in to share or to use on their own with other supplies that will be on hand in the classroom. Big Sisters will be bringing in items as well.

A little sunshine peeked through the clouds at school, and with the blessing of Dr. Kapetanis, 4-C took a short but fruitful mini field trip to Zazoli Sweets! The girls were thrilled to celebrate their 25 compliments and satisfy a sweet tooth as well. What fun! The girls were giddy with all of the treats to look at, but kept their cool, made wise choices and also kept to their budget.

Students will begin researching the Country of their choice and create an iMovie with interesting facts and visuals for their oral presentation. This is a long term project which will be completed by the beginning of April. The girls are using the school library for books and online encyclopedias to gather research materials. Mrs. Irving will discuss sources with the girls and teach them the rudiments of putting together a bibliography and how to use kid friendly citation tools.

The girls are working with Helping Verbs and here is a cute song that they are learning to remind them of which words are helping verbs.                       
A Spring Conference Schedule is being prepared and will be emailed to you this week!