Sunday, September 30, 2018


A Little Help for Our Friends

Things to Know:
Blessing of the Animals: Monday 10-1 on the Green at 8:15 a.m.
Fall Conference Sign Up
Special Week Share Please sign up for a time to bring in your Special Week Poster. Emmie Bonnell
Science Atom Project due: Friday, October 12th (Project guidelines in Student Science Binders)
Class Ambassadors: Monday, October 1st-5th Maisie Nelson and Madison Rector
Carpool Helper: Lillie Mayer 
Parent Tutorials are under Pages. 

We will begin our first Outreach Project collecting items for animals in need. There are many ways to assist these creatures great and small. You will receive a note home about this project.
The girls have completed their Swim Unit in P.E. and had great fun this past Friday celebrating with a Free Swim Day!

In Mathematics, we continue to work on Order of Operations using GEMS. The girls will be working diligently on word problems and Bar models this week to complete our Unit 1 Review. Keep up the good work practicing basic multiplication and division skills.

Our completed writing lab on Mystery Fourthies is on the Bulletin Board outside the classroom. Students walking by have been reading information about the girls and are putting their heads together to figure out each of the "Mystery" Fourthies.
Thursday 4-C hosted Eighth Graders in our classroom for Ice Breakers and a paper roll owl craft
which was enjoyed by all. It is nice to see how our younger girls so easily make connections with the older girls and enjoy being together.

Students continue to work on their Presidential Research Projects and are collecting information about their presidents' early years.

Saturday, September 22, 2018


Things are Looking Sunny

Things to Know:

Blessing of the Animals: Monday 10-1 on the Green at 8:15 a.m.
Swim:  9/18-9/28 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
Fall Conference Sign Up
Special Week Share Please sign up for a time to bring in your Special Week Poster.

Class Ambassadors: Monday, 9-24 through 9-28, Ada Mathews and Lillie Mayer
Carpool Helpers: Parker Birdsey 

We will be meeting with our Big Sisters from the Eighth Grade this week. It will give the girls an opportunity to broaden the horizon of St. Catherine's School Community and allow the girls some time to chat and get to know the older girls. We meet monthly to work on projects and crafts for fellowship and fun.

Wordly Wise testing is completed every two weeks on the Quia website. The girls practice using their vocabulary words and forms of the word, placing them into sentences on these Wordly Wise vocabulary tests. We practiced Test 1 together at the beginning of the week and completed Test 2 independently on Thursday.

*Video Clips are being created to assist parents in accessing sites used by the students and provide information on accessing your daughter's account to show a review of vocabulary progress.

Students have chosen a president to research and will be working in class to collect interesting facts and build a presidential time line. This is a long term project that we will be working on through October, which will culminate in a presentation by each student.

During math lessons we have discussed and worked with divisibility of numbers, along with prime and composite numbers. It is essential that students become adept at addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division basic facts. Several students are have their basic facts memorized, but some students still need daily practice for automaticity. Please make this a priority in your daughter's daily homework schedule. Students will be completing Unit 1 in Math after this week's review.

Sunday, September 16, 2018


It's Official, We Are Fourthies!

Things to Know:

Picture Day Monday, September 17th

Swim begins: Tuesday, 9/18-9/28 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays

Fourthie Activity Clubs Information

Parents Fourthie Technology Night Sign Up

Fall Conference Sign Up

Special Week Share Please sign up for a time to bring in your Special Week Poster.

Class Ambassadors: Tuesday, 9/10- 9/14 Meredith Ford and Nicole Makris

Carpool Helpers: Courtney Carter and Emmie Bonnell 

Homework posted for Family Planning

Fourthies met with the teachers who are sponsoring activity clubs on Friday afternoons. Above you will find a link to the information sheet the girls will need to fill out if they would like to sign up for a club activity.

We began with high energy and inspiration on Monday and had the Fourthie Installation Ceremony. The Fourthies reviewed their responsibilities and proudly signed the Fourthie Promise to be good role models to the younger students. We shook hands and they were handed their Fourthie hats.

The girls continue to compare and order large numbers. They are rounding to the ten thousands place, practicing multiples and will be introduced to factors in the next few days. They had their first musical moment which involves listening to a popular song and incorporating math computations, which the girls loved.

Students created Buncee Slides that illustrated knowledge of Summer Reading, Because of Winn-Dixie, using setting; plot; characters; conflict; and theme, in an organized and fabulously illustrated way. They were shown how to copy and put their slides into a google doc. Have your daughter navigate to her google drive and show you her Buncee.
Fourthies in 4-C will be choosing a president to research as their first Social Studies Project to be completed in the classroom. Students will make their choice by Friday, September 21st. We are focusing on Presidents in the 20th century, but consideration will be made for individuals who have an affinity for a particular president. 
As a class read, we have completed The Hundred Dresses and will begin sketching, designing, and creating a paper dress with a "virtue" hidden in the design, during class.

Writing Labs are created for the purpose of having students learn the four genres of writing. Each lab has a specific focus and  is created in google docsto allow for real time editing and revision. We completed our first Lab and will be sharing each student's "Mystery Fourthie" on the bulletin board outside of the classroom.

Saturday, September 8, 2018


Love Your Selfie

Things to Know:

Special Week Share Please sign up for a time to bring in your Special Week Poster.
Parents Fourthie Technology Night Sign Up
Fall Conference Sign Up
Picture Day Monday, September 17th

Swim begins: Tuesday, 9/18-9/28 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
Class Ambassadors: Tuesday, 9/10- 9/14 Clare Coleman and Cora Coulbourn
Carpool Helpers: Cora Coulbourn and Meredith Ford
Homework posted for Family Planning

4-C created selfiie cell phones using a template and Photo Booth, along with adding their name and hobbies they enjoy. Ask your daughter to show you google drive documents, including "Love your Selfie."
The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes is a timeless classic chapter book that shares a message in which the author tackles the issue of bullying and discrimination in a straight forward manner. Children can learn the message about dealing with tough decisions to stand up for friends, fitting in, and ultimately forgiveness. This has been a great "class read." After completing the last chapter, students will create individually designed life size paper dresses with a special message of compassion  hidden somewhere in the design. They will be placed on disply in the hallway.
A fiction book has been chosen by your daughter for the upcoming book report. The girls will take notes as they read at home. Please make sure to use a calendar to assist your daughter in managing and keeping up with her reading. You can help by estimating the number of pages that need to be read  to be completed by Thursday, September 27th.

Swim begins on September 18th. It would be helpful to begin setting up the swim bag prior to the swim date.

The girls have completed two weeks of Mindful Maths, working with large numbers written using both written numbers and words. Check out Maths on the Fourthie website and see just how large these numbers are! We continue to learn more about multiples and will begin looking at factors next week. Students continue to work on computation skills and math facts.

Personalized learning emphasizes learning about something that a particular student is interested in. The girls have been surveyed and are ready to begin gathering information in class about their topics. A final project at the end of the first quarter will be presented. These projects are completed during Personalized Learning Time in class. 

Interesting facts Learned from Past Personalized Learning Presentations

Did you know that sea otters will wrap their legs in seaweed and hold hands to keep from drifting in the ocean while they sleep?
4-C watched a Because of Winn-Dixie edpuzzle and answered computational math questions. Check it out.