Sunday, September 30, 2018


A Little Help for Our Friends

Things to Know:
Blessing of the Animals: Monday 10-1 on the Green at 8:15 a.m.
Fall Conference Sign Up
Special Week Share Please sign up for a time to bring in your Special Week Poster. Emmie Bonnell
Science Atom Project due: Friday, October 12th (Project guidelines in Student Science Binders)
Class Ambassadors: Monday, October 1st-5th Maisie Nelson and Madison Rector
Carpool Helper: Lillie Mayer 
Parent Tutorials are under Pages. 

We will begin our first Outreach Project collecting items for animals in need. There are many ways to assist these creatures great and small. You will receive a note home about this project.
The girls have completed their Swim Unit in P.E. and had great fun this past Friday celebrating with a Free Swim Day!

In Mathematics, we continue to work on Order of Operations using GEMS. The girls will be working diligently on word problems and Bar models this week to complete our Unit 1 Review. Keep up the good work practicing basic multiplication and division skills.

Our completed writing lab on Mystery Fourthies is on the Bulletin Board outside the classroom. Students walking by have been reading information about the girls and are putting their heads together to figure out each of the "Mystery" Fourthies.
Thursday 4-C hosted Eighth Graders in our classroom for Ice Breakers and a paper roll owl craft
which was enjoyed by all. It is nice to see how our younger girls so easily make connections with the older girls and enjoy being together.

Students continue to work on their Presidential Research Projects and are collecting information about their presidents' early years.

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