Sunday, October 28, 2018


Autumn Days and Halloween Night
Things to Know:

Special Week Share:  Ada Mathews Monday, 10-29-18

Carpool Helper: Campbell Taylor
Class Ambassadors: Parker Birdsey Emmie Bonnell
Details for Wordly Wise Dress Up Day on Halloween, October 31st.  Wordly Wise Dress Up

Last Friday was the last day of the First Quarter of School. Please have your girls clean out their backpacks and tidy their binders to get ready for this new quarter.

Wednesday, afternoon on October 31st, the Fourthies will celebrate with Halloween crafts and snacks. Fourthies may come to school dressed as  a Wordly Wise Word, but may bring a change of clothes if they like. We will be starting the fun at 2 p.m. The girls will celebrate with Halloween crafts, games and snacks.

In mathematics, the girls have enjoyed the learning and working with the traditional double digit multiplication algorithm and will continue to practice daily. These girls have become experts in single digit multiplication!

Innovations Day, last Thursday, was a wonderful experience and also an eye-opener about adaptive P.E. Students expressed how enjoyable the Sportable activities the Sportable team set up in stations. The girls understood and expressed how important these activities are in making sure that everyone has an opportunity to share in athletics. The girls showed much compassion for the many different physical challenges people deal with on a daily basis. Ask your daughter about the amazing time she had. You can view and explore the Sportable Website here.  

Students are immersing themselves in the early 2000's on the History 4 Fourthies website and will be reading about the impact of severe weather during Hurricane Katrina. They will be using bighugelabs to create a magazine cover of their presidents.
They are learning and sharing many marvelous facts about their presidents and continue to develop their research reports. 

The girls will be creating a watercolor fact poster for their 2nd Book Report Project on  a non-fiction book. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018


Things to Know:
Thursday, October 25th is a Late Start Day for Lower School.
Special Week Share: Natalie Richards Monday, October 22nd
Carpool Helpers: No Class Carpool Helpers this Week
Class Ambassadors: Carter Torrence and Kate Williams
Details for Wordly Wise Dress Up Day on Halloween, October 31st.  Wordly Wise Dress Up

Students will be completing their classroom novel study on All of a Kind Family this week. The novel will be summarized and questions answered on Thursday. We will begin our next novel, Number the Stars, by Lois Lowry. This historical novel centers around Annemarie Johansen, who lives in Copenhagen in 1943. She and her family help Annemarie's Jewish friend, Ellen, and her family escape from Denmark.

Most of the girls have created and edited their Halloween stories. We are placing them on the bulletin board outside the classroom, along with our fall tree geometry and art project.

In mathematics, we continue working on rounding large numbers and estimating for both addition and subtraction. Estimation is a great way for students to see if they have enough money to purchase more than one item. This is one of the skills that can make life easier with a little practice.

The girls did a superb job presenting their chapel last Wednesday. Here is the Link if you would like to view the 4-C Chapel on Sharing our Gifts.

Sunday, October 14, 2018


Sharing our Gifts

Things to Know:

Fall Conference Sign Up
Special Week Share Natalie Richards, Mon. October 22nd
Class Ambassadors: Madeline Taliaferro and Campbell Taylor
Carpool Helper: Clare Coleman

The girls are practicing rounding to the nearest hundreds and thousands in mathematics. They continue to work with large numbers adding and subtracting. Students are multiplying very large numbers by 10s and 100s and reviewing multiples and factors. The girls will be receiving a Greg Tang Halloween Math Challenge that is a fun but optional enrichment challenge activity. It is due October 31st.

The 4-C girls have been very busy putting forth creative effort to create a wonderful chapel on the gifts each of us have to share. The 4-C chapel has been rescheduled for this coming Wednesday, October 17th, at 8:30 a.m. in the Lower School Assembly Room. We look forward to seeing you there. If you are unable to attend, you will be able to view it on next week's blog.

We will be designing and setting up for our upcoming book report activity. Books should be completed and notes will need to be turned in by October 30th. 

Students will be excited to begin our Halloween Writing Lab and create a spooky or not so spooky story!

The girls will be dressing up for Halloween!  They may choose a word from their Wordly Wise Lists 1-5, and dress up as that word. This is a fourth grade privilege, as this is the only grade that may dress up. Here is more detailed information on Wordly Wise Dress Up

Sunday, October 7, 2018


For This is the Fall of the Year

Things to Know:
No School Monday, October 8th

4-C Class Chapel
 "Sharing Our Gifts" will be on Friday, October 12th 
in the LSAR at 8:15 a.m.

Science Atom Project due: Friday, October 12th

Fall Conference Sign Up

Special Week Share Natalie Richards, Monday, October 22nd
Class Ambassadors: Tuesday, October 9-12 Natalie Richards and Betsy Spalding
Carpool Helpers: Madison Rector, Nicole Makris, and Maisie Nelson 

Students will be completing their book report projects this coming week on their fiction books and sharing them with the class.

The girls will begin a new unit in Singapore Math this week, after we have reviewed the Unit 1 Assessments in class. They will be adding and subtracting using a variety of algorithms; finding unknown numbers; using mentalcalculations;
adding and subtracting large numbers; estimating in addition and subtraction; and continuing to solve multi-faceted word problems.

We learned about the different Branches of Government and practiced our skills on determining what tasks are performed by the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches. Ask your daughter to play the game with you and test your ability.
Branches of Government Game