Sunday, October 21, 2018


Things to Know:
Thursday, October 25th is a Late Start Day for Lower School.
Special Week Share: Natalie Richards Monday, October 22nd
Carpool Helpers: No Class Carpool Helpers this Week
Class Ambassadors: Carter Torrence and Kate Williams
Details for Wordly Wise Dress Up Day on Halloween, October 31st.  Wordly Wise Dress Up

Students will be completing their classroom novel study on All of a Kind Family this week. The novel will be summarized and questions answered on Thursday. We will begin our next novel, Number the Stars, by Lois Lowry. This historical novel centers around Annemarie Johansen, who lives in Copenhagen in 1943. She and her family help Annemarie's Jewish friend, Ellen, and her family escape from Denmark.

Most of the girls have created and edited their Halloween stories. We are placing them on the bulletin board outside the classroom, along with our fall tree geometry and art project.

In mathematics, we continue working on rounding large numbers and estimating for both addition and subtraction. Estimation is a great way for students to see if they have enough money to purchase more than one item. This is one of the skills that can make life easier with a little practice.

The girls did a superb job presenting their chapel last Wednesday. Here is the Link if you would like to view the 4-C Chapel on Sharing our Gifts.

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