Monday, November 5, 2018


Celebrating Thankfulness

Things to Know:
Special Week Share: Next Monday, 11/12 Lillie Mayer 
Carpool Helpers: Victoria Carter, Betsy Spalding, and Carter Torrence 
Class Ambassadors: Victoria Carter and Courtney Carter

We started off last Monday by celebrating our Big Sisters. We hosted a read-in at the 4-C classroom with our eighth grade buddies. I read aloud The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush, retold by Tomie de Paola. The girls discussed their "dream visions," things that they are interested in accomplishing in their lifetimes. We ended our time together by designing beautiful bookmarks.

Wednesday was a blast. We began the morning having a wrap the mummy contest, which the girls really enjoyed. In the afternoon, we shared in the joy of creating Halloween crafts and sharing a delicious snack. Great fun was had by all.

Students are investigating how to estimate division problems and have been thoughtful about following the appropriate steps to get accurate answers to long division problems. The magic is in following the steps consistently.

The girls have begun their nonfiction book report watercolor poster and will be writing down ten facts to place on their posters this week. Students will be enjoying reading for pleasure during the months of November and December. In December students will be reading and discussing fables in class and will have an assignment to work on in class only.

Fall Book Fair for 4-C will be on Wednesday, November 28th. Please feel free to join our class in the Lower School Library from 2:30 - 2:50 p.m. You will receive a reminder closer to the event.

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