Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Welcome May!

Things to Know:

Special Week Share 4-29 Madison Rector
Carpool Helpers: No helpers this week
Ambassadors: Meredith Ford and Nicole Makris
Fourthie Middle School Visit Wednesday, May 8th!
Lower School Spring Book Fair Wed. May 15 and Thurs. May 16th
4-C Book Fair Time: Wed. May 15th 2:30-2:50
Password daisy2027

Students welcomed Grandparents and Special Friends last Thursday with a flair. They followed directions on google classroom and created fantastic Haiku Summer Poetry which was read chorally with their partners. We lunched on the patio and shared stories and laughter. It was truly a special day for all.

Saturday was equally as exciting with the Daisy Days Celebration of the Maypole. The girls enjoyed being together and dancing the Maypole in their flowing pastel skirts. It was especially exciting to see how well the girls braided their Maypole ribbons. Exquisite!

Please have your daughter upload a family picture or a Mother/Daughter or Father/Daughter photo to her google drive for our next digital project. We would like to begin this on Monday, May 6th. 


The girls will continue in Unit 7 adding, subtracting decimals, and will learn to multiply decimals by whole numbers. They will also be learning Geometry: identifying points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles. The girls will learn to measure angles using a protractor.

History 4 Fourthies/Language Arts

4-C will be sharing Country Research and writing historical/fiction entries in Immigration Journals. (The Living History Immigration Day will be postponed to some time later in May when there are fewer outside activities.)Girls may bring old journals from home to use, the outside will be collaged with vintage pictures if they have a modern look, we will cover pages that have been used with maps, steamship tickets, and an assortment of paper treasures that have been found along the way of their fictional journeys.


We will begin our new class novel, Letters from Rifka,by Karen Hesse next week. This is a story about a girl and her family who escape to America to gain their freedom. Along the way, Rifka faces many adventures and obstacles. She finds comfort in writing letters inside a book that her cousin gave her. 

Friday, April 19, 2019


Hurray for the Red, White, and Blue

Things to Know:

Special Week Share:  4-29 Madison Rector
Carpool Helpers: Clare Coleman
Ambassadors: Clare Coleman and Cora Coulbourn
Password daisy2027
How To Videos for Parents

Naturalization Field Trip

We had a fantastic time at the downtown Federal Court on Wednesday. The girls were at their best, asking and answering questions like champs, and they got a huge and magical
surprise when Mrs. Kefu Dorian, our own Mandarin Chinese language teacher, was naturalized and became a United States citizen right before  our very eyes. Dr. Kapetanis was able to join us for this great moment. Of course, this was heartfelt and the Fourthies were so pleased to be a part of this experience. We even held an extended celebration the next morning and Mrs. Dorian received a red, white, and blue bouquet and the girls enjoyed red, white, and blue dessert popsicles to make it an even more momentous event.

Grandparents and Special Friends

The girls are preparing a brief song and dance review from Mary Poppins for Grandparents and Special Friends Day which will be on Thursday. We look forward to sharing time with Grandparents and Special Friends in the fourth grade classroom and are especially excited to have them come to lunch with us.

Language Arts

Students will be creating poetry to describe the Sheroes they have been studying. They will be attached below their Shero watercolors on the hallway wall outside of the classroom. 

The girls have enjoyed working on Wordly Wise creative projects like emoji and text writing which includes storytelling with lesson 15 Wordly Wise words. The girls have had a lot of fun with this and have gotten quite creative. We will take some time to share them in class. 


Students will continue to review the unit on decimals when we get back after Easter break. We will take an assessment the following Tuesday. 


In A Year Down Yonder, both my students and "Mary Alice" are beginning to see that Grandma is not just a "force to behold". They are opening their eyes to an old woman who is a hard worker and is willing to go out in the dark and snowy cold evenings to do some trapping to get some furs to trade for cash. With the money Grandma is
saving, she will be buying Mary Alice shoes and clothing that are much needed, since Mary Alice is a growing girl. Even Grandma can now look forward to a happy Christmas.

History 4 Fourthies

Students have enjoyed watching the British Broadcast story of "Carrie's War" and are Creating Scripts for an Episode 9 Production of their own, which they will record on an iPad.  The girls had a choice of working collaboratively on this or summarizing and illustrating three characters in the story for their culmination project on the 1940s.

Sunday, April 14, 2019


Taking a Peek across the Green

Palm Monday Chapel Monday, April 15th Wear Red!
Field Trip to the District Court for Naturalization Ceremony Wed. 4-17 Information Here

Special Week Share:  4-15 Courtney Carter 
Carpool Helpers: Madison Rector, Nicole Makris, Maisie Nelson
Ambassadors: Victoria Carter and Courtney Carter 
Password daisy2027
How To Videos for Parents
Final Assembly Attire
Grandparents and Special Friends Day Information

Field Trip to District Court to Watch a Naturalization Ceremony

All of the Fourthies will be headed downtown to the District Court Building to watch a Naturalization Ceremony and visit with the Honorable Judge Lauck on Wednesday, April 17, from 9am to 12:30 pm. This is a rare experience and priviledge to be invited to particitpate in such an iconic American ceremony and it is a wonderful addition to our Immigration Living History Project. Please make sure your daughter has a hearty breakfast and a lunch packed with a beverage, as we will not be back to school in time to eat at the dining hall. We will picnic in the classroom when we arrive back at school. (This is NOT our Living History Immigration Day at School, which will be in May)

A Peek across the Green

Students in the Fourth Grade will be having three 45 minute sessions with Mrs. Sterling to discuss and share information about upcoming Fifth Grade. They will go on a mini tour of the Middle School, practice opening Master Locks, take a look inside lockers, discuss organization techniques and many other wonderful and exciting things about Fifth Grade. Each class will be split in half, so that the girls will have greater opportunities to talk and have their questions answered. The second
half of the class will explore robotics with Mrs. Hamilton-Dixon and Ms. Adkins for three sessions and then the half classes will switch. On May 8th, the Middle School has invited the Fourthies for their first official tour of the Middle School. They will be shadowing a fifth grade student and sharing in the fun of going to capsule classes and meeting the fifth grade faculty. This will take place from 9 until 1 p.m. Please try not to schedule any appointments on this day.


The girls are learning about the subtle and not so subtle differences between depression era community farm life and city life. Mary Alice has come from a school that housed a thousand students and is now in a school with fewer than fifty. Many of the students live on farms and must forego school during the harvest season. Halloween shenanigans, radio shows, an outdoor privy, and being "way down yonder" are all a part of this city girl's new life in the country.


We will be completing the last few exercises in our decimals unit and will be ready for review next
week. Students are ordering, adding and subtracting decimals. We will practice and fine tune this week.

History 4 Fourthies
Students continue to watch Carrie's War, a child's eye view of England during the War in the early 40's and the adventure of a lifetime that she and her brother will never forget. They are staying with a family until the end of the war when they can be reunited with their family, much like Mary Alice.

Monday, April 8, 2019



Special Week Share:  4-15 Courtney Carter 
Carpool Helpers: Lillie Mayer
Ambassadors: Parker Birdsey and Emmie Bonnell
Password daisy2027

Monday, April 1, 2019


Step in Time


Things to Know:
Musical for Fourth Grade Parents Wednesday, 4-3 9:45 a.m. 
Lower School Assembly Room
Special Week Share: 3-25 Betsy Spalding
Carpool Helpers: Substitute for Meredith Ford and Cora CoulbournClass 
Ambassadors: Madeline Taliaferro and Campbell Taylor
Fourth Grade Rehearsal Practice for Mary Poppins Musical
Maypole information: https://mcfourthies.weebly.com/maypole.htm 
Password daisy2027
How To Videos for Parents
Final Assembly Attire
Grandparents and Special Friends Day Information

The girls have worked fast and furiously to gather props, put costumes together and learn their parts for the upcoming play, Mary Poppins, which will be performed for the Fourth Grade parents this Wednesday, April 3rd! You can feel their excitement and it is contagious. The Fourthies will share the play with the entire Senior Class on Thursday morning. We will share songs, there will be some tears and much laughter for the graduating girls whom we will be celebrating!

Language Arts:

Students have completed their "Sheroes" which are hanging up outside the classroom. We had a nice
discussion on the character traits sheroes tend to have and the girls wrote about a particular shero they had chosen. The girls will present their sheroes to the class next week.


We are happily racing through decimals. Students love this unit and since the days are getting warmer, we will also be working on some liquid measure and making use of the water feature on the playground. We are almost there but are waiting for some warm afternoons to play in the water.


The girls completed their class novel, Scraps of Time, 1928, A Song for Harlem. We have spent time discussing the Harlem Renaissance and many of the people who were involved in it. We are turning now in history, to the late 1930's and have begun to read Richard Peck's novel about life following the Great Depression, A Year Down Yonder. Times are still hard for Mary Alice and her family. As her mother and father struggle to regain their financial footing in Chicago, Mary Alice, who is fifteen, is sent to live with her Grandma Dowdel in a small southern Illinois town. Richard Peck is a master storyteller. This novel has everything it takes to keep the girls' interest!

History for Fourthies:
We will discuss the 30's and 40's. There will be comparisons and contrasts with the post Depression
Era in the United States and Great Britain. The girls continue to work on their Country Research so that we have enough information to begin our fictional Immigration Journals.

                                       This is a quote from the famous writer, Anita Diamant.