Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Welcome May!

Things to Know:

Special Week Share 4-29 Madison Rector
Carpool Helpers: No helpers this week
Ambassadors: Meredith Ford and Nicole Makris
Fourthie Middle School Visit Wednesday, May 8th!
Lower School Spring Book Fair Wed. May 15 and Thurs. May 16th
4-C Book Fair Time: Wed. May 15th 2:30-2:50
Password daisy2027

Students welcomed Grandparents and Special Friends last Thursday with a flair. They followed directions on google classroom and created fantastic Haiku Summer Poetry which was read chorally with their partners. We lunched on the patio and shared stories and laughter. It was truly a special day for all.

Saturday was equally as exciting with the Daisy Days Celebration of the Maypole. The girls enjoyed being together and dancing the Maypole in their flowing pastel skirts. It was especially exciting to see how well the girls braided their Maypole ribbons. Exquisite!

Please have your daughter upload a family picture or a Mother/Daughter or Father/Daughter photo to her google drive for our next digital project. We would like to begin this on Monday, May 6th. 


The girls will continue in Unit 7 adding, subtracting decimals, and will learn to multiply decimals by whole numbers. They will also be learning Geometry: identifying points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles. The girls will learn to measure angles using a protractor.

History 4 Fourthies/Language Arts

4-C will be sharing Country Research and writing historical/fiction entries in Immigration Journals. (The Living History Immigration Day will be postponed to some time later in May when there are fewer outside activities.)Girls may bring old journals from home to use, the outside will be collaged with vintage pictures if they have a modern look, we will cover pages that have been used with maps, steamship tickets, and an assortment of paper treasures that have been found along the way of their fictional journeys.


We will begin our new class novel, Letters from Rifka,by Karen Hesse next week. This is a story about a girl and her family who escape to America to gain their freedom. Along the way, Rifka faces many adventures and obstacles. She finds comfort in writing letters inside a book that her cousin gave her. 

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