Sunday, December 2, 2018


The Season of Cool Weather and Warm Hearts!
Things to Know:
Ambassadors: Ada Mathews and Lillie Mayer
Carpool Helpers: Kate Williams and Natalie Richards
Special Week Share: Meredith Ford

   *The girls have earned twenty-five compliments from Special and Classroom Teachers and I am very proud of them. They have agreed that they would like to go to the St. Catherine's Cafe 2020 this Tuesday and may bring $3.00 to spend. We will celebrate in the classroom and watch an episode of "Just Add Magic".*

We have begun to read our new classroom novel, Fish in a Tree, which is teaching the class that people are smart in so many different ways and that the impossible suddenly can become possible when a teacher is willing to help a student explore these possibilities.

The students in 4-C have been working with classmates to develop interviewing skills. We have recently partnered with Mrs. McCallum's class to interview students in her class and are in the process of creating posters of  students being interviewed as part of a collaborative project during personalized learning time.

Students have just begun taking a look at finding numerators and denominators in equivalent fractions and are enjoying searching and finding patterns in math.
A few students are finishing up Presidential Reports and others will be presenting theirs this week and next.
Our Outreach Project this week is to find gifts for a fifteen year old girl and we have done some good brainstorming in class. The girls came up with nail polish, costume jewelry, make up, a sweater, and so much more. Please know that these gifts and contributions are always greatly appreciated by Outreach and the children who receive these gifts during the Holidays!

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