Sunday, December 9, 2018

In the Lane, Snow is Glistening!

Things to Know:
Carpool Helpers: Madeline Taliaferro and Ada Mathews 
Special Week Share: Clare Coleman
Ambassadors: Maisie Nelson and Madison Rector 
Big/Little Gathering: Tuesday, December 11, 8:30-9:10 for Holiday Poem and Craft
Christmas Gift Service Information

This was a whirlwind week! The girls earned their 25 compliments and we took a trip to the Cafe and purchased a few treats and watched a short video in celebration of their good manners and hard work!

We have been comparing fractions, finding missing numerators and denominators, putting fractions in order from greatest to smallest and smallest to  greatest. Students are becoming more adept at finding equivalent fractions and will have a quiz this Friday. We will be practicing all week in class. 

BigHugeLabs is a great site that the girls are using to create magazine covers for their collaborative
interviews with Mrs. McCallum's class. They will be completing  interviews and sharing them with their partners this week.

The girls have been watching papercut videos of a variety of fables on the smartboard. We are in the midst of preparing to choose one to retell and illustrate.

Friday, the girls truly surprised me with the most magnificent birthday party! It was such a wonderful day and they showed such great spirit, organization, and love. I was awestruck!

First official Snow Day, Monday, December 10th!
School Work: Enjoy your First Snow Day!
 Homework: No Homework today!

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