Sunday, January 13, 2019


Once Upon a Time

Things to Know
Special Week Share
Monday, January 14th: Kate Williams
Carpool Helpers: Lillie Mayer
Class Ambassadors: 
Natalie Richards and Betsy Spalding
How To Videos for Parents
Author Visit: January 28th

The girls have taken on the task of retelling a fable or inventing their own with relish. They have shared their tales, peer edited, double checked for accurate spelling and are now in the throes of creating an illustrated title page.These fables will be coming home soon and I have asked the girls to read them to you.

Students have been engaged in converting improper fractions  into mixed fractions and have been practicing in their math journals. Fractions are a daily venture in class and we will complete this unit by the week's end. We will begin reviewing Unit 3 next week. Click below to find out more about fraction conversion.

Gold/White Spirit Day and Cheer Rally will be held on Friday, January 25th, so dust off your team colors and all of your great costume gear and get ready to show your gold and white school spirit. Wednesday, January 16th, there will be Gold/White Cheer Practice from 7:30 - 7:55 a.m. Practices for the Gold Team will be held in the Lower School Assembly Room and practices for the White Team will be held  in the Multipurpose Room. There will be more practices on January 18th and the 23rd.

If Monday is a Snow Day, I have sent your girls home with a Snow Day Sheet which gives them their work for the day. I will also post it on the blog tomorrow before 8:30 a.m. 

The girls went to the library on Tuesday and were asked to look for a fiction novel to read for a Book Report Project this month. Reading and notes should be completed by Thursday, February 7th.

The 1900s were an interesting time period in history. The girls learned about the invention of the Oreo cookie and they wrote out the step by step procedure for eating one. Of course, they tasted a few along the way as well. Students also found that the first crossword was invented during that time  and each student created her own crossword as well.

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