Monday, January 14, 2019


Snow Work Today!

What a wonderful day to complete a little snow work and have some relaxing time to "chill" at home.

I sent you home with your Snow Work Sheet of Activities. Please complete them some time today.

1. Practice your poem "My Favorite Pajamas". If you are ready to recite, you may do that on Tuesday. If you would like more practice time, you may recite on Friday.

2. Please complete half of the questions for 9 E in your Wordly Wise Workbook. If you have already completed some, please continue and work for about 15 minutes.

3. We will begin exploring Persuasive Writing. Your first assignment will be discussed in class tomorrow. Please go to google classroom and watch the Persuasive Writing Videos. We will fill out the Persuasive Writing Map in class. Just watch the videos.

4. Quizlet and Spellingcity games. Be ready for Test 9 on Friday.

5. Math: If I gave you the hand out please work on that, otherwise practice multiplication facts 11,12, 13.

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